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Applications of bounded integral controller in three phase grid connected inverters
学术报告:Applications of bounded integral controller in three phase grid connected inverters报告人:Seyfullah Dedeoglu (Hitit University)时间:7月28日14:00-15:00线上:腾讯会议355-344-019线下:文昌校区教四楼101报告简介:Initially, for the three-phase grid-connected inverters, inverter current limitation is achieved by embedding droop control dynamics into both nonlinear bounded integral contr...
Importance of inverters in the future power systems and introduction to bounded integral controller
题目:Importance of inverters in the future power systems and introduction to bounded integral controller报告人:Seyfullah Dedeoglu (Hitit University)时间:7月28日10:30-11:30线上:腾讯会议(362-215-840)线下:文昌校区教四楼101报告简介:In response to growing global demand for electricity and environmental concerns, the penetration of renewable energy in the power system has been growing over ...
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报告人:冯宇 博士时间:2023年6月3日(星期六)上午9:00-11:00地点:经管学院学术报告厅B117(一楼环形报告厅)报告人简介:冯宇,中国电力科学研究院高压所互感器室副主任,博士毕业于金宝搏官方app下载。长期从事电力互感器的运行、缺陷与故障分析、质量提升等领域研究。出版了《电力互感器术语使用手册》专著。主持、参与的多个项目先后获得湖北省科技进步奖、国家电网公司科技进步奖、武汉市科技进步奖、中国电力科学研究院技术...